
Butterfly Rice of Hampyeong Cheonji Brand

Butterfly Rice
Butterfly Rice
o. 1 rice brand among 10 best Jeonnam rice brands in 2016 and designation as one of the twelve excellent brands (Love Mi (rice)) in Korea in 2014

High-quality rice produced in rich, fertile soil of Hampyeong which is well known for its butterflies with clean water, green soil, clean air and beautiful mountains and streams. This is Hampyeong’s “Butterfly Rice”, a product ofthe sweat and devotion of the Hampyeong-gun farmers.

Butterfly Sunlight Rice
Butterfly Sunlight Rice
Environmentally –friendly rice growing with pesticide-free freshwater snails

This is Hampyeong’s safe rice brand, environmentally –friendly rice, which is grown in a clean environment without herbicides and pesticides but with weed control using pesticide-free farming and organic fertilizers such as rice bran and manure.

Rice Ripening with Butterflies
Rice Ripening with Butterflies
Rice produced in Hampyeong, home to environmental farming

Carefully selected and purchased high-quality rice, grown with Hampyeong’s unpolluted, clean water and fertile reclaimed land, is a tried and tested rice with strict quality control through scientific drying storage, and the rice is pounded at the Nabi (butterfly) Rice Center outfitted with cutting-edge clean equipment.

Freshwater Snail Bride Rice
Freshwater Snail Bride Rice
Contract-farmed, one of the best types of flavored rice grown with freshwater snails

The taste of rice is uniformly maintained through thorough quality control, from scientific drying storage to product purchase, which is strictly processed and certified at high-tech sanitary facilities (clean pounding factory) of Nabi (butterfly) Rice Center (GAP).

Place of purchase

Hampyeong-gun integration RPC (Rice Processing Complex)
  • 28-16 Hakgyo Weolsan-gil, Hakgyo-myeon, Hampyeong-gun, Jeollanam-do(Butterfly Rice, Butterfly Sunlight Rice, Rice Ripening with Butterflies and Freshwater Snail Bride Rice)
Environmental-Friendly Agricultural Council
  • 997 Dongjeong-ri, Shingwang-myeon, Hampyeong-gun, Jeollanam-do(Butterfly Sunlight Rice)
Online purchase
Hampyeong Cheonji Shopping Mall